Top 10 Reasons You Should Attend Post|Production World 2017 at #NABshow

You don't want to miss Post|Production World at the #NABshow, April 22-27 in Las Vegas!

Use code PPW03 to get $100 off your PPW pass and a Free Exhibit (show floor) pass included.


Here are nine reasons you should attend: 

  1. A Conference Flex Pass which includes Exhibits, Show Opening and All-Badge Access to PPW is only $1,045. 
  2. Over 250 sessions on just about everything from pre- to post-production, including video editing, motion graphics, cinematography, lighting, sound designer, color correction and grading, project management, content distribution and more! 
  3. There's an Aerial Cinematography Field Workshop on April 22, where you can learn how to fly your droner better!  (You have to buy a separate ticket for this)
  4. It's platform agnostic conference, sessions on After Effects, Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro X, and Avid. 
  5. You don't need to be an editor, colorist or a cinematographer, you can take sessions that will help you scout locations and on budgeting!
  6. There's an entire track called "Be your own tech support!" where you can learn how to optimize your workstation! Something I need to do! 
  7. Some of my favorite trainers will be there: Luisa Winters, Christine Steele, Jeff Greenberg, Ashley Kennedy, Abba Shapiro, Eran Stern, Maxim Jago, Robbie Carman, Paul Murphy, Jarle Leirpoll, Richard Harrington, and Cheryl Ottenritter. I have a lot of favorites! 
  8. You can take certification Prep courses for Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X. 
  9. It's a fantastic way to network with potential clients and meet awesome creative people!
  10. I'll be there! I'll be presenting on a panel on Sunday, April 23rd 4:30pm - 5:45pm "Creative Business: Creating Inclusive Work Environments" in S226, I'll be running a mobile YouTube live-stream on Tuesday, April 25 on the exhibit show floor, and presenting at the LumaForge #FasterTogether Wed, April 26th at 10:30am on creating Premiere Pro templates, and taking a few classes with Post Production world. Hope to see you around!