5 Ways CleanMyMac and CleanMyPC Can Help Video Creators

As I’m sure you know by now - an organized creator is a happy creator! While it’s certainly easy to accumulate a mountain of unused files and video in your hard drive, it’s also easier than you think to whip your computer back into shape. In today’s blog, we’re going over 5 ways that CleanMyMac or CleanMyPC (if you are a Windows user) can help you to become the most organized creator that you’ve always wanted to be.

A Clean Workspace Is A Happy Workspace

First on our list, we have the Smart Clean Up feature in which CleanMyMac makes it super easy to identify and delete junk files, old files, and unwanted/unused apps. Like Houdini, CleanMyMac or CleanMyPC can make space hogging data disappear like magic! After it completes a scan, you’re presented with a summary in which you can list browse and preview files before deleting. Quick & effortless clean up is a Content Creators best friend as your projects can pile up on your hard drive. If we can swiftly remove the clutter, then we’re well on our way to have more space for your future video projects.


Safe Space For Content Creativity

Second on our list, we have a crucial feature for every creator; safety! CleanMyMac does an amazing job at running sophisticated scans that can identify malware and security threats. Like other features that you can explore on CleanMyMac, the function to scan your computer for safety is easy and can be done with a few clicks. At the end of the scan, you can review a summary of any possible threats or receive a summary confirming zero threats so you know your Mac/PC is a safe space to create within. If you can work computer safety into your routine, you’re gaining experience in digital safety and organization.

System Performance Is Key

Our third feature is all about performance! For a content creator, we know that system performance is key to our success and makes a huge difference in making sure we are as productive as possible. From an organizational perspective, regularly maintained system performance is an important practice for efficiency.

While CleanMyMac runs a scan for system performance, a summary is compiled to show you what is keeping your system from running at its best. Based on the summary, you can make necessary changes to enhance your system performance.


Uninstalling For Success

Our fourth feature has to do with removing applications and downloads that are unnecessary to your workflow. Instead of having to go through multiple menus to find what you need to delete, you can go through CleanMyMac to fully delete any programs, apps, or temp files that are just sitting around. Getting rid of unnecessary programs is vital to being organized as a content creator. Some projects may involve different programs for different clients or you might contribute to software beta tests that require downloading Items. That being said, having the power to uninstall quickly comes in handy and is very easy when using CleanMyMac. What will you do with all the down time you’re saving while quickly uninstalling items with CleanMyMac? Create more content, of course!


Shredding The Competition

The fifth and final feature we’d like to share on is the capability to digitally shred sensitive files that are private. In the same respect that you might use a paper shredder to keep your desk space in order, you have the same digital option when you’re using CleanMyMac. In your work as a content creator, you may have invoice files that contain sensitive data or project details for something that’s not publicly released. CleanMy Mac saves the day yet again with the digital shredding option. I think we can all agree that being organized also means safely disposing of sensitive information.

Final Thoughts

Clean My Mac/PC is a wonderful option for today’s content creator who is looking to get more organized and efficient while maintaining their daily work. You have a user friendly interface with a wide array of options to help clean, protect, optimize, remove, and securely dispose of data as you see fit. Like the perfect sound or video equipment, a content creator needs the best tools that can help you to stay organized and free up your time to focus on creating your content. Until next time, stay safe & stay creative!