How to Install and Update the Gal Toolkit

We just released v3.5 of the Gal Toolkit Extension! Please note that v3.5 is only relevant to the Premiere Pro version of the Toolkit. This new version includes a more simplified way of applying Transitions & FX from the Toolkit. Here is how you install the update!

  1. Download Your Package

    When you buy the Gal Toolkit you can find your package downloads from the my purchases tab. From there click on the “Download” button.


2. Install the new AtomX.zxp

  • After you download your new Gal Toolkit, you’ll need to unarchive the .zip. After it is unarchived, be sure to move your Gal Toolkit Package folder into a location you intend to keep it while using it.

  • Once it is unarchived, go to the “02 Toolkit Files” folder, there you will find a file names “02 AtomX_3.1.1.zxp” Open up a ZXP installer application on your computer, we recommend this free ZXP installer by aescripts.

  • Now, drag the “02 AtomX_3.1.1.zxp” into the ZXP installer window.

  • Once installed, open up Premiere Pro or After Effects (depending on which version of the Gal Toolkit you have).

3. Importing the Gal Toolkit Atom Package

  • Inside of Premiere Pro or After Effects, navigate to Window > Extensions > AtomX.

  • With the AtomX panel open, go back to your Gal Toolkit Package Folder. Go to 02 Toolkit Files > 03 ATOMX and find the .atom file, if you have the Premiere Pro version it will be named “Gal Toolkit 3.5 for Premiere pro.atom” — if you have a future version, it will have a different version number.

  • Drag the .atom file into the AtomX extension panel in Premiere Pro

  • If it is your first time importing the .atom file you will be prompted to enter in your email address and your purchase code. You can find your purchase code from the “my purchases” tab.

And now you are all set! If you have any further question, contact Gal Toolkit support here.